Traynor, R., Dobbins, M., DeCorby K. (2015). Challenges of partnership research: Insights from a collaborative partnership in evidence-informed public health decision making. Evidence & Policy,11 (1):99-109.
Yost, J., Dobbins, M., Traynor, R., DeCorby, K., Workentine, S., Greco, L. (2014). Tools to support evidence-informed public health decision making. BMC Public Health, 14(1):728.
Traynor, R., DeCorby, K., Dobbins, M. (2014). Knowledge brokering in public health: A tale of two studies. Public Health, 128(6):533-44 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2014.01.015. [Free full text available at McMaster University Libraries Institutional Repository]
Yousefi-Nooraie, R., Dobbins, M., Marin, A. (2014). Social and organizational factors affecting implementation of evidence-informed practice in a public health department in Ontario: a network modelling approach. Implementation Science, 9(1):29. [Epub ahead of print]
Yost, J., Ciliska, D., Dobbins, M. (2014). Evaluating the impact of an intensive education workshop on evidence-informed decision making knowledge, skills, and behaviours: A mixed methods study. BMC Medical Education, 14:13.
Carter, N., Dobbins, M., Ireland, S., Hoxby, H., Peachey, G., DiCenso, A. (2013). Knowledge gaps regarding APN roles: What hospital decision makers tell us. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26(4):60-75.
Gilleland, J., McGugan,J., Brooks, S., Dobbins, M., Ploeg, J. (2013). Caring for critically ill children in the community: A qualitative needs assessment. BMJ Quality & Safety, [Epub ahead of print].
Armstrong, R., Waters, E., Dobbins, M., Anderson, L., Moore, L., Petticrew, M., Clark, R., Pettman, T., Burns, C., Moodie, M., Conning, R., Swinburn, B. (2013). Knowledge translation strategies to improve the use of evidence in public health decision making in local government: Intervention design and implementation plan. Implementation Science, 8(1):121.
Boyko, J.A., Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K. Hanna, S. (2013). Comparison of the use of self-report surveys and organizational documents in knowledge translation research. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 28(1):67-85.
Dobbins, M., Husson, H., DeCorby, K., LaRocca, R.L. (2013). School-based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2:CD007651.
LaRocca, R., Yost, J., Dobbins, M., Ciliska, D., Butt, M. (2012). The effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies used in public health: A systematic review. BMC Public Health, 12:751.
*This article is designated as highly accessed by the journal.
McKibbon A., Lokker, C., Wilczynski, N., Haynes, B., Ciliska, D., Dobbins, M., Davis, D., Strauss, S. (2012). Search filters can find some but not all knowledge translation articles in MEDLINE: An analytic survey. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 65(6):651-659.
Yousefi-Nooraie, R., Dobbins, M., Brouwers, M., Wakefield, P. (2012) Information seeking for making evidence-informed decisions: A social network analysis on the staff of a public health department in Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 12:118.
Lee, E., Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K., McRae, L., Tirilis, D., Husson, H. (2012). An optimal search filter for retrieving systematic reviews and meta-analyses. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12:51.
*This article is designated as highly accessed by the journal.
Peirson, L., Ciliska, C., Dobbins, M., Mowat, D. (2012). Building capacity for evidence informed decision making in public health: A case study of organizational change. BMC Public Health, 12:137.
Tirilis, D., Husson, H., DeCorby, K., Dobbins, M. (2011). Missing and accounted for: Gaps and areas of wealth in the public health review literature. BMC Public Health, 11:757.
Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K., Robeson, P., Husson, H., Tirilis, D., Greco, L. (2010). A knowledge management tool for public health: BMC Public Health, 10:496.
*This article is designated as highly accessed by the journal.
Robeson, P., Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K., Tirilis, D. (2010). Facilitating access to pre-processed research evidence in public health. BMC Public Health, 10:95.
*This article is designated as highly accessed by the journal.
McKibbon, K., Lokker, C., Wilczynski, N., Ciliska, D., Dobbins, M., Davis, D., Haynes, R., Straus, S. (2010). A cross-sectional study of the number and frequency of terms used to refer to knowledge translation in a body of health literature in 2006: a Tower of Babel? Implementation Science, 5(16).
Dobbins, M., Hanna, S., Ciliska, D., Manske, S., Cameron, R., Mercer, S., O’Mara, L., DeCorby, K., Robeson, P. (2009). A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of knowledge translation and exchange strategies. Implementation Science, 4(61).
*This article is designated as highly accessed by the journal.
Dobbins, M., Robeson, P., Ciliska, D., Hanna, S., Cameron, R., O’Mara, L., DeCorby, K., Mercer, S. (2009). A description of a knowledge broker role implemented as part of a randomized controlled trial evaluating three knowledge translation strategies. Implementation Science, 4(23).
Robeson, P., Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K. (2008). Life as a knowledge broker in public health. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (JCHLA/JABSC), 29:79-82.
Dobbins, M., Robeson, P, DesMueles , M., Jetha, N (2008). A methodology for searching the grey literature for effectiveness evidence syntheses related to public health: A report from Canada. Health Inform Journal, 17(1): 9-12.