
Health Evidence™ Quality Assessment Tool

Two independent reviewers assess all reviews in Health Evidence™ for methodological quality using the Health Evidence™ Quality Assessment Tool. The Assessment Tool consists of 10 questions. A final quality rating for each review is assigned: strong (8–10/10), moderate (5–7/10) or weak (0–4/10). The final quality rating refers to the methodology used to conduct the review, not the review findings. You should always read the full review to understand the findings and conclusions.

Criteria Yes No
1. Is the research question clearly focused, describing the population, intervention, comparison and outcome(s) of interest?
2. Are appropriate criteria used to select studies to include in the review?
3. Is the search strategy comprehensive and reproducible?
4. Does the search strategy cover an adequate number of years?
5. Is the level of evidence of studies included in the review described?
6. Are included studies rigorously assessed for risk of bias/methodological quality and reported on?
7. Are the quality assessments completed in duplicate with a method for conflict resolution described?
8. Are the methods used to compare and/or combine results across studies appropriate?
9. Are study quality and level of evidence taken into consideration when interpreting the results?
10. Is the certainty of the review’s conclusions supported by the methodological approach and review findings?
Total score:

For details on how to use the Health Evidence™ Quality Assessment Tool, please refer to the Quality Assessment Tool Guidance Document.